タグ: events

講師:Philip Barrett氏、Jorge A. Alvarez 氏(International Monetary Fund). 議論:”IMF’s World Economic Outlook and Wage-price Spiral Risks”

場所:大阪大学豊中キャンパス法経大学院研究棟509セミナー室 講師:五島圭一(早稲田大学) 題目:東京株式市場におけるカーボンプレミアム

講師:Xiaxin Wang氏 (Fudan University). 論題:“Understanding Misreporting: Responses to a Housing Transaction Tax Notch in China” (with Ziying Fan, Hang Zhang)

Taiki Kamei, Doshisha University, Kyoto. The Relationship between Attempts to Internalize Technology and Management in Modern Japan: The Case of Machine Printing and Textile Companies

Taiki Kamei, Doshisha University, Kyoto. The Relationship between Attempts to Internalize Technology and Management in Modern Japan: The Case of Machine Printing and Textile Companies
